i have literally nothing to do. nothing.
nope. not one thing.. absolutely bored right now.
this only cures my boredom disease for like one second for typing this useless comment without any judgement from other people
i guess i like talking to myself online
that sounds really weird
ok, i mean i'm literally overposting about everything that's weird i dont even know what the heck i'm doing anymore
omfg. i'm dead. old meme i'm sorry i feel like im the only one that noticed this at all today.
ok, listen. if you look at the bottom of this page i think sometimes it'll say "Copyright 1995-2016 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use nergrounds.com --- Your #1 online and entertainment & artist community!" AND AT THE END. "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US"
i'll explain what this is
ok there was a game made in asia or something, i think
and like, it was 100 percent accurate language in the language they used
but then they made the english game and the grammar was absolutely HORRIBLE.
a supervillain is stealing this spaceships base and he says "All your base are belong to us"
and then it was turned into a meme. this is hilarious although i will probably not see ANYONE get this.